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Weaving Links and Resources

Four Corners Weaver's Guild

The guild serves a widespread geographic area with members drawn from Durango, Cortez, Farmington and many smaller regions including:  Bayfield, Ignaciio, Aztec, NE Arizona, Mancos, Dolores, SE Utah, Silverton, Ouray, Telluride, Pagosa Springs, Chromo and Chama. There is something for everyone - no matter what your fiber interest!  Join us for fun, facts, fiber and friends!

Intermountain Weaving Conference

The Intermountain Weavers Conference is a bi-annual conference held in odd numbered years. 

The purpose of the conference is to provide workshops and other learning opportunities and provide connections between people associated with the Fiber Arts. If you have any interest in weaving, spinning or other Fiber Arts, this conference is for you!


Handweaver's Guild of America. 

HGA is an international membership association created to encourage excellence, inspire creativity, and preserve fiber arts traditions through education and community. Our mission is to educate, support and inspire the fiber art community. We invite weavers, spinners, dyers, basket makers, and all fiber art enthusiasts to join us!


Wild Wooly Spinners of the West  Facebook Group. 

Community of spinners and fiber enthusiasts in the Four Corners area.

Diné Bé’Iiná

We are a group of Textile artists, weavers, shepherds, wool enthusiasts, we are young and old.
Diné Bé’Iiná, Inc (DBI) is a 501c(3) grassroots nonprofit organization led by Navajo weavers and shepherds since 1991. We provide education, workshops, consultations and demonstrations to our community.


Rebecca Mezoff hosts a bi-weekly YouTube live video #changetheshed demonstrations of Tapestry techniques and demonstrations.  She also has a broad range of YouTube videos and a terrific blog.


And we really like Jane Stafford Textiles, and her monthly blog of sharing the work of other weavers.


A few of our members are taking Janes online weaving classes.  She's a wonderful teacher.





Visit us

Our Location

360 W 1st Street 
Cortez, Colorado 81321



Tuesday 10:00 am - 2:00 pm 
Wednesday 10:00 am - 2:00 pm

Thursday 10:00 am - 2:00 pm 
Friday 10:00 am - 5:00 pm 
Saturday 10:00 - 4:00 pm Winter hours


​As a grassroots organization we have a policy to ensure a safe environment that is useable and accessible to individuals of all abilities and identities. Anyone who shares a passion for fiber is welcomed warmly into our Collective, and no one shall be denied access to, or have the benefits withheld, of the programs, services and activities that we provide.    

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